
300 cops held for graft, domestic violence

A single window system is at place at the police headquarters for monitoring and tracking of complaints.

New Delhi: Around 300 Delhi police officials were arrested during the last three years on charges of corruption, crime, domestic violence, and women-related crimes.

According to the data, around 102 police officials were arrested in 2014 for their alleged involvement in various crimes.

In 2015, the figure was 88 and in 2016 the number increased to 97. Till March 15 this year, 13 police officials have been arrested for their misconduct. “We have taken action against these officials as per law,” said a police official on conditions of anonymity.

A vigilance unit, headed by a special commissioner of police, is functioning to check the corrupt practices of police personnel. Five toll free numbers — 23417995, 23416401, 23416402, 23416403, and 23416404 — have been dedicated for the convenience of the general public to send complaints regarding corruption in Delhi police, said a senior police official. In order to restore public confidence in police, deterrent action is being taken by the Delhi police in cases where policemen are found involved in malpractices. This includes suspension, transfer to non-sensitive units, initiating disciplinary action for major/ minor penalty including dismissal, and registering criminal cases against them, the official added.

The Delhi police advertises the telephone numbers of district DCPs along with their fax numbers and email addresses.

A single window system is at place at the police headquarters for monitoring and tracking of complaints.

The public has the facility to ring up the senior officers, PCR, and telephone No. 23417995 of the flying squad of the vigilance unit in case of any harassment by police officials.

In addition, a toll free anti-corruption helpline, 1064, is functioning in the vigilance unit since April 2014.

In order to encourage the general public to be more vigilant about the corrupt activities of the police, there is also a facility of P.O. Box No.171 through which the public can send complaints against erring policemen.

A number of steps have been taken recently to encourage members of public to call or send SMS/WhatsApp messages to the anti-corruption helpline (9910641064) of the Delhi police.

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