
Delhi court asks man to do service at charity hospital

The medical report of Som Dutt revealed that he suffered injuries on his head and fractured a finger.

New Delhi: A Delhi court has directed a man to do service at a charity hospital for one year without any monetary benefit for having obstructed two police officials doing their duty and grievously hurting one of them. District Judge A.S. Jayachandra, who initially sentenced Afaan to one year jail, took note of his good behaviour and released him on probation.

The court asked him to do voluntary service with the charity hospital Kottakal Arya Vaidyashala at Karkardooma at least for two days in a week for one year without any monetary consideration.

Afaan was convicted under sections 186 (obstructing public servants to discharge his official duties), 333 (grievously hurting public servants with an intention to deter them) and 353 (assaulting public servants) of the Indian Penal Code. The court also imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 on him.

According to the complaint by the police officials, on February 10, 2013, constable Som Dutt and sub inspector Tarun Kumar were checking vehicles in East Delhi's Geeta Colony and Afaan and his brother Hammat came on a white scooty without a number plate. When the policemen tried to stop them, the two accused resisted due to which the scooty fell down and they were asked to produce the necessary documents of the vehicle.

The complaint said that Afaan started abusing and beating Som Dutt and tore his uniform and when Kumar tried to intervene, they started abusing him too. Both the men were apprehended with the help of public, it said. The medical report of Som Dutt revealed that he suffered injuries on his head and fractured a finger. During the trial, the two men claimed innocence.

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