
Two slums declared open-defecation free by SDMC

The SDMC had declared major areas falling under its jurisdiction open defecation free in May last year.

New Delhi: ‘No one in our slum defecates in the open’ — this was a public declaration made by residents of two slums: ‘Nepali Camp’ and ‘Priyanka Camp’, situated in Vasant Vihar area in south Delhi.

The camps, which fall under the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) were declared open defecation free (ODF) and got the ODF tag on Thursday when the residents gathered to participate in the celebration.

To celebrate the ODF tag, the open defecation site was converted into a meeting place and the residents decorated their camps with rangolis.

The camps were supported by a consortium of InterGlobe Hotels, Triguna Hospitality and Accor Hotels through their CSR programme started in May, 2017, with SDMC’s collaboration.

“While the consortium provided the support for community mobilisation and technical assistance, the residents the two slums constructed toilets on their own with no financial support from outside,” said a statement by the group.

“As part of ODF and other activities, the people are being mobilised to address decentralised solid waste management and women empowerment through formation and strengthening of SHGs,” the statement added

Both the slums have their respective ODF by-laws and, in this regard, a signature campaign was also held wherein all the two slum residents signed in its support.

The SDMC had declared major areas falling under its jurisdiction open defecation free in May last year.

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