
PWD to beautify 5 road stretches, flyover walls

The department said that the officials concerned have been asked to execute the plan within the next three months.

New Delhi: The Delhi government’s public works department has asked officials to prepare landscape design for at least five road stretches and areas under flyovers to beautify the city.

The department said that the officials concerned have been asked to execute the plan within the next three months.

According to the minutes of a meeting held earlier this month, the officials were asked to take necessary steps so that the work of beautification and greenery sustains and provides the “desired effect”.

“CEs should identify at least five such locations and get landscape plans prepared from senior architects and implement within the next three months,” the minutes of the meeting stated.

Engineer-in-chief suggested senior architect units should also prepare landscape design for certain stretches of roads and areas under flyovers.

In April, Delhi environment minister Imran Hussain had asked different agencies to take up vertical gardening in a “big way” for reducing pollution in the national capital.

Mr Hussain had written letters to PWD, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA), and municipal corporations asking them to increase green cover in the city.

“Green cover must be enhanced by undertaking vertical gardening activities on buildings, flyovers, spaces and columns underneath the flyovers. This will help in neutralising air pollution due to dust and vehicular pollution,” he had said in letters.

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