
Take a virtual walk through Victoria Memorial Hall

The virtual exhibitions can be browsed through the Google Arts and Culture website before it goes live on 18 May.

Kolkata: Victoria Memorial Hall (VMH) is introducing facilities of exploring its galleries at the click of a button, courtesy the Google Arts and Culture project to commemorate the occasion of International Museum Day on May 18.

“It will be a new landmark in our partnership with Google as we will be launching three curated virtual exhibitions and a virtual tour of the VMH galleries on Google Arts and Culture,” a top official of VMH said. The virtual exhibitions can be browsed through the Google Arts and Culture website before it goes live on 18 May.

The project offers viewers a 360-degree walk through traversing the galleries, in Google Street View mode.

The galleries with The Art of Abanindranath Tagore, Gaganendranath Tagore: Painter and Personality, and The Magnificent Heritage of India as seen by the Daniells can be explored at the click of a mouse.

The exhibitions on Abanindranath Tagore and Gaganendranath Tagore, showcasing the best of the Bengal School of Art, have been curated by leading art-historian Ratan Parimoo, the author of Art of Three Tagores: From Revival to Modernity. The exhibition on the paintings of Thomas and William Daniell have been curated in-house over a long time, and showcases their finest works.

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