
TMC bans V-P post, leaves Mukul Roy in lurch

Mukul Roy was earlier demoted in the party's organisation following his acrimony with the Trinamul supremo.

Kolkata: In a severe blow to its Rajya Sabha MP Mukul Roy, the Trinamul Congress has abolished the vice-president’s post, which he used to hold, from the party’s organisation.

The move has virtually now left him without any position and has cornered him in the party amidst strong speculation about him joining the BJP along with another Rajya Sabha parliamentarian, Ritabrata Banerjee, who was expelled from the CPI(M) recently.

It came close on the heels of a whiff about Mr Roy’s failed attempt to defect to the BJP with more than three dozen Trinamul leaders including MPs and MLAs, sources indicated.

According to Trinamul insiders, the party’s decision is bound to weaken Mr Roy who was once known for his organisational skills and his close rapport with the Trinamul supremo and chief minister Mamata Banerjee.

Mr Roy was earlier demoted in the party’s organisation following his acrimony with the Trinamul supremo. He was also removed from two parliamentary panels. This time the Trinamul however dealt with Mr Roy tacitly to seal his fate.

Instead of removing him from the post the Trinamul wrote to the Election Commission of India (ECI) about the party’s latest organisational committee which does not have any mention of vice president’s post in the list of 21 functionaries.

The latest committee was formed by Ms Banerjee herself. On Friday night Trinamul secretary general Partha Chatterjee said, “The new committee, set up by the TMC chairperson (read Mamata Banerjee), does not have the post of vice president. The matter has been intimated to the ECI also.”

However, Mr Roy looked calm on Saturday. Referring to his passion for cricket he said, “In a match you need to stay on the crease. You should make it sure that neither you get out nor commit the mistake of a hit-wicket. If you continue, you will get runs either today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow. In no situation you should get out.”

Asked about his loss of post, the TMC MP smiled while adding, “I am not bothered of it. I am now busy with the puja preparations at home. The puja will be celebrated according to its tradition. There will be no exception. I am a Hindu who respects other religions also.”

Following his removal from the powerful post of all India general secretary of the Trinamul for his aparent revealations during his questionning by the Central Bureau of Investigation in the multi-crore Saradha chit fund scam, Mr Roy was given the post of all India vice president in the party.

But he was removed from his posts in two parliamentary panels within a short span of time as his distance with the Trinamul supremo grew in wake of reports about his proximity with the BJP. Last month Mr Roy was removed from the chairmanship of the parliamentary standing committee on transport, tourism and culture. He was replaced by his party colleague in the Rajya Sabha Derek O’Brien. Earlier this month Mr Roy’s wings were again clipped when he was removed from the parliamentary consultative committee of the Union home ministry.

He was replaced by new MP of the Trinamul in the Rajya Sabha Manish Gupta.

In the last party meeting convened by Trinamul supremo and chief minister Mamata Banerjee at her residence in Kalighat recently, Mr Roy received another jolt when he found that he was relieved from his role of looking after the party’s organisation in northeastern states. He was given the task of supervising Trinamul’s organisation in Punjab.

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