
Opposition alleges question norms were flouted in assembly

To this, speaker Haribhau Bagde said that he would check with the legislature secretariat about tabling of starred questions.

Mumbai: Pointing at flouting of norms in the functioning of the assembly, members of the opposition on Tuesday took exception to the tabling of starred questions of March 1 in the house. The starred questions are discussed in the house, and the concerned minister replies. Written replies are expected only for non-starred questions that are not discussed.

Industries minister Subhash Desai on Monday gave an explanation for one of the starred questions regarding the Naner refinery project sans any discussion. On Tuesday, the same question was tabled in the house under starred questions. This flouting of norms did not go down well with the opposition benches.

NCP MLA Bhaskar Jadhav, who hails from Konkan, raised a point regarding procedure, questioning why the starred questions had been tabled when the norm was only to table non-starred questions. “If tabling of starred questions on Tuesday has been done as per rules, why was Mr Desai allowed to give a clarification on one of the questions on Monday,” asked Mr Jadhav.

To this, speaker Haribhau Bagde said that he would check with the legislature secretariat about tabling of starred questions. "As a minister, Mr Desai can make a statement under rule 57. The starred questions of March 1 could not be tabled on Monday since the house was adjourned owing to noisy scenes,” said Mr Bagde.

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