
Launch of Khanderi, second Kalvari class submarine, on January 12

The stealth features will give it an invulnerability unmatched by many submarines.

Mumbai: Union minister of state for defence, Subhash Bhamre, will preside over the function to initiate the launch of Khanderi (Yard 11876) the second Kalvari class submarine, at the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) on January 12.

Khanderi is named after the island fort of Maratha forces, which played a vital role in ensuring their supremacy at sea in the late 17th century, a release said. This launch will start a trail of events, which will lead to the separation of the submarine from the pontoon on which it is being assembled and its final setting afloat, an official release said.

The state-of-the-art features of this Scorpene class submarine includes superior stealth and the ability to launch a crippling attack on the enemy using precision guided weapons. The attack can be launched with torpedoes, as well as tube-launched anti-ship missiles, whilst underwater or on surface. The stealth features will give it an invulnerability unmatched by many submarines.

Khanderi is designed to operate in all theatres, including the tropics. All means and communications are provided to ensure interoperability with other components of a Naval Task Force. It can undertake multifarious types of missions typically undertaken by any modern submarine i.e anti-surface warfare, intelligence gathering, mine laying, area surveillance etc. It is built according to the principle of Modular Construction, which involves dividing the submarine into a number of sections and outfitting them concurrently.

“Indian Navy’s Submarine arm will complete 50 years on December 8 this year. India is among few countries in the world that produces conventional submarines. Six submarines are being built at MDL in collaboration with M/s DCNS of France, as a part of Project 75 of Indian Navy,” said the official release.

India joined the exclusive group of submarine-building nations on February 7, 1992, with the commissioning of the first Indian-built submarine, INS Shalki. MDL built this submarine and went on to commission another submarine, INS Shankul on May 28, 1994. These submarines are still in service today.

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