
Teachers use waste products demontrate magic of science

A group of Amravati-based science teachers are demonstrating zero-budget experiments to show students how science operates in the real world.

Mumbai: A group of Amravati-based science teachers are demonstrating zero-budget experiments to show students how science operates in the real world. Interestingly, all of their equipment is made of waste products. The group is holding workshops for teachers and providing live demos to students free of cost in classrooms.

Schools in Zilla Parishads often complain about the non-availability of laboratories in schools due to which they end up teaching practical subjects orally. Sachin Awaghad, a teacher, explaining how the group functions, said, “Science is the second scariest subject for students after mathematics. The reason being, the basics of the subject are not clear. Science cannot be taught on a blackboard but for ages that was how it was being done. We, as a group, collect general waste like plastic bottles, pencils, pens, cups, etc, and created equipment that can help students understand how simple science works.”

He added, “During our demos, our team uses both equipment and the body to make the students understand how exactly science functions in real life.”

Some of the topics that are being taught include the centre of gravity, photosynthesis and acceleration, and close to 150 teachers have attended the workshops while schools in 14 taluka-level zilla parishad, government and government-aided schools have taken part.

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