Experts: Winter expected to arrive in December
The maximum temperature recorded on Tuesday was 32.8 degrees, around three degrees less than the temperature of Monday.

Mumbai: Mumbai will have to wait for winters for a month more as weather experts have stated that the season will only arrive in the city by December end or in January. However, the city is expected to get some relief from the sw-eltering weather as the maximum temperature dropped significantly on Tuesday. The maximum temperature recorded on Tuesday was 32.8 degrees, around three degrees less than the temperature of Monday. The minimum temperature was 20 degrees.
Describing the current weather as post-monsoon season, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) officials have stated that southeasterly wi-nds blowing towards city have led to hotter temperatures in city last week.
However, the city’s minimum temperature is now witnessing a dip since Sunday. “Last week Mumbai has been recording temperature around 35 degrees due to the setting in of south easterly winds. Now, due to the cooler northerly winds the minimum temperature has now dipped,” said an IMD official.
Moreover, with the cyclone Gaja at the east coast, the weather in Mumbai is going to beco-me moist and cloudy in coming days. “The cyc-lone is passing through south east coast, due to which there will be no heavy impact,” he added.