
Family court plays cupid, reunites 66 married couples

The problems faced by such couples are mostly related to economic, legal, social and anxiety related to children's custody.

Mumbai: Around 66 married couples were reconciled and felicitated today at the Bandra family court on the eve of Valentine’s Day. The aim of Bandra family court, was to get quarrelling couples back together as a couple, reconciliation meeting was going on since a year, 66 couples walked in separately but walked out hand in hand .

According to the principle marriage counsellor, the most crucial challenge for couples that are considering divorce is to deal with mental stress. The problems faced by such couples are mostly related to economic, legal, social and anxiety related to children’s custody. Talking to The Asian Age, principle marriage counsellor, Vina Aathwale , said, “ This was a great example of a focus on reconciliation is the Family Court, the most important factor which couples goes through it is stress and it’s a very difficult to cope with these types of stress.” .

Over a period ranging from a few months to a year they successfully counselled more than 100 couples and made them realise the benefits of living together again. Pratibha Jagtap-Birje senior Marriage counsellor of court said, “There is a misconception that when you file for a divorce, there is no going back legally.

The court and even counsellors to spread the right kind of awareness about the options available to couples which is first and prior is reconciliation.”

While a couple who did not wish to be named said, “We were separated because of our difference of opinions and than after being apart we realised that we are doing injustice to our innocent soul, our baby.”

They said, “So, after going to counsellors we decided to give a chance to our marriage and for the kid we are once again together and we are happy and thankful to the Bandra court.”

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