Parents corner Vinod Tawde against fee hike
Say such hikes by pvt schools in Mumbai and Pune are illegal; minister assures action.

Mumbai: In a meeting held between parents and state education minister Vinod Tawde, parents alleged that fee hike by private schools was a violation under the Fee Regulation Act, 2011 because approval of Parents Teachers Association’s (PTA) executive panel was not taken by the school management before the hike. Around 25 parents from privately-run schools in Pune and Mumbai were present at the meeting.
The parents also complained that the schools ask them to buy stationeries and books from sale outlets located on their campuses, and that so far the state has issued no order against any school till date.
Responding to the grievances, Mr Tawde assured them that action would be taken against the schools and also clarified that buying school books and stationary from designated sale outlets can’t be made mandatory.
Earlier, parents of students from 60 private schools had also met the deputy director of education, B. B. Chavan, demanding a rollback of fee hike. Parents had alleged that the hike was not in accordance with specific provisions of the Maharashtra Educational Institutions (Collection of Fee) Act, 2011. The proposed fee—structure has to be submitted at least six months before the new academic year.
While talking to The Asian Age, a parent from Sinhgad School in Pune said, “School management did not follow the proper law and regulations while hiking the fee. At some schools parents are still unaware about the fee hike.” Another parent, Shakshi Dhanukar whose child studies in Universal School in Dahisar, Mumbai said, “ The school authority did not took our view into consideration before hiking the fee. After doing such things we have are left with no way out but to agitate. We have been having lots of meetings with school management but all in vain.” So far, even the government has miserably failed to take a firm step on the issue,” she added.
On the other hand, Mr Tawde said, “I have called all the school managements and parents and have conducted hearings. Within two days, we will surely conclude with some strong step on this.”
When asked about parents’ unhappiness with fee hike and their demand for strong action, he said, “I wont tolerate any school playing mischief. I will take action against them.”