Ticket checker prevents man from falling off express train

Mumbai: A Central Railway ticket checker saved the life of a commuter who was trying to board the departing Pushpak Express at Kalyan station on Friday morning. A grab fron the CCTV video showed that the man, Sandeep Sonkar, was hanging out of the train, when Shashikant Chavan, chief ticket inspector, pulled him onto the platform. Chavan’s presence of mind prevented Mr Sonkar from falling in the gap between the train bogie and platform.
The incident happened after 9.30 am, when the Lucknow-bound express train was leaving from platform number 4 of Kalyan Junction. According to the commuters, the general compartment was crowded when Mr Sonkar was attempting to board the train. Mr Sonkar did not sustain major injuries and was saved due to the prompt action taken by the TC. Commenting on the incident, Sunil Udasi, chief public relations officer of CR, said, “The Presence of mind shown by Mr Chavan in pulling him to safety make us proud to have such dedicated staff with us. He will be felicitated with a commendation certificate and cash award.”
According to reports, on an average around ten people lose their lives daily due to overcrowding in suburban trains.