Hospital trying to get Eman fit to fly
Mumbai: Egyptian national and erstwhile heaviest woman in the world, Eman (36) - who underwent a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on March 7 at privately-run Saifee Hospital — is still struggling with her post-operative recovery.
According to doctors, she had severe core pulmonale (Pulmonary heart disease) prior to surgery. However, her diuretics treatment and protein therapy continue despite challenging levels of uric acid.
The entire medical team is trying to get her fit to fly back safely to her homeland. Eman's genetic reports are still awaited from the States.
Currently weighing 358 kg, Eman's physiotherapy sessions to improve mobility are on. According to her dietician, Dr Carlyne Remedies from the Centre for Obesity & Diabetes Support (CODS), “Eman has been currently put under a two-hourly liquid feeding regime from 6 am to 12pm. Her diet is administered via a feeding tube.”
“She is currently getting a low sodium protein powder mixed with soya milk. To maintain her calorie intake, she is also getting a total of 45 ml of MCT oil that gets mixed with the feed. Her total caloric intake daily is approximately 1800 cal while her total protein intake daily is approximately 200 gms,” said Dr Remedies.
Dr Muffazal Lakdawala who is treating Eman, said, “We don’t foresee any major surgical intervention in the near future. She has done extremely well post surgery but continues to remain on tube feeds because of a difficulty in swallowing fluids. Physiotherapy and stabilisation of other medical and hormonal factors continues, with the entire medical team trying to get her to fly back safely to Egypt as soon as they deem fit.”