
Varsity breaks promise, fails to declare results

About 15,000 answer sheets are yet to be assessed three months after the examinations.

Mumbai: Mumbai University has apparently failed to declare the results of the winter examinations of its law faculty despite a promise on April 11 to declare them in 10 days. About 15,000 answer sheets are yet to be assessed three months after the examinations.

Though the university authorities thought of taking the assistance of professional lawyers, a source said, they were hesitant fearing the lawyers may not have the academic knowledge to assess the papers. “The main plan is to complete the assessment with the existing faculty but if that does not work pitching in the lawyers is part of plan B. However, because they lack academic knowledge, which means assessment, marking, etc will be difficult for them to manage, as of now we are asking the teachers to do the pending work,” said the source.

On April 11, MU officials revealed that they still had 23,000 papers pending assessment, which, according to them, would be completed by 10 days. Now, even after 10 days and more, 15,000 to 16,000 papers remain. The papers include the courses of Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws to which examinations were conducted in December-January.

Last year too, during the summer term examinations in April-May, the results were delayed. A major issue with the law faculty is the shortage of teachers due to which the students suffer every year. The MU had taken help from Aurangabad University and several other universities of the state to complete the backlog of law assessment. As of now, MU doesn’t have any plan to take help from any other assistance but if the scenario continues, they might go for more options, confirms the source.

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