
Barbers' body to shun man over police complaint

In view of the incident, the Nabhik Ekta Manch' has decided not to provide any services to Thakur.

Mumbai: A barber’s association in Nagpur has decided not to provide its services to a local resident who had filed a police complaint against a barber for shaving off his moustache, allegedly without his consent.

Kiran Thakur (35), last Tuesday told the Nagpur police that when he visited a salon in Kanhan, Nagpur for a haircut and a shave, the barber, Sunil Lakshane, chopped off his moustache without asking him.

On reaching home, when a peeved Thakur rang Lakshane, the latter allegedly used threatening language, the complainant said and filed a non-cognisable offence under the Indian Penal Code Section 507 (criminal intimidation) against the barber. In view of the incident, the ‘Nabhik Ekta Manch’ has decided not to provide any services to Thakur.

The association’s president, Sharad Watkar, said, “The charges against Lakshane are false and baseless. He had asked the customer before shaving off his moustache.”

However, Thakur went home and then came back to Lakshane’s shop the same evening and created a ruckus, he said, adding that they have filed a counter complaint against the customer.

“Our association, after a meeting with all taluka- level office-bearers, has decided not to extend our services to Thakur in view of his wrong allegations,” Mr Watkar said. The association will also stage a demonstration in Kanhan area on Monday, he added.

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