Education dept wasting teachers, kids' time'
Principals feel students and teachers should be investing time in lectures and studies instead of such activities.

MUMBAI: Schools in the city are irked by back-to-back demands by the state education department, which according to them is distracting both teachers and students. Updating the database of students and digital equipment in schools, Aadhar verification, compulsory and conducting event and exhibitions are some of the duties schools are asked to carry out by the department. Principals feel students and teachers should be investing time in lectures and studies instead of such activities.
“Every second or third day, there is a circular issued by the state education department
meant for either schools or teachers. It will be either a special day celebration or some exam the department wants the schools to conduct. Though the intention is purely beneficial for the students, both teachers and students in this process are wasting precious time. This time would be better if invested in teaching or completing the pending syllabus,” Jaishree Sawant, a teacher said.
A couple of days ago, the department issued a circular which asked all the schools to ‘provide details on the amount of digital equipment present in the school’ in order to keep track of it.