
Constable's sex change on track

Salve got admitted in a special ward and was allocated a special room.

Mumbai: Lalita Salve (29), the Maharashtra police constable from Beed district who has received the department’s approval for leave to undergo sex-reassignment surgery (SRS), met her doctor, Dr. Rajat Kapoor, a senior plastic surgeon at the JJ Hospital after reaching Mumbai on Tuesday and got admitted.

Dr Kapoor was the one who first examined Salve in 2016 and diagnosed her gender Dysphoria, a condition in which emotional and psychological identity are at odds with one’s biological sex. Dr Kapoor confirmed that Salve was admitted and the pre-surgery evaluation would be done. He said she would leave the city only when she gets her new identity.

Ms Salve got admitted in a special ward and was allocated a special room. Her uncle and brother are accompanying her.

Ms Salve told The Asian Age, “The doctors will run a few tests on me over a couple of days. Then, the senior doctors and panel of doctors who will perform the surgery will decide the final date of the surgery.”

Dr Rajat Kapoor, a plastic surgeon from state-run JJ hospital will perform the surgery on her. He met and examined Salve on Tuesday.

Dr Kapoor said, “Before performing SRS, we have to explain to her all which we did. A few more tests will be done in the coming days.”

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