
Hardik Patel in Vidarbha to see condition of farmers

Te Patedar leader on Friday paid floral tributes to Babsaheb Ambedkar.

Nagpur: Youth activist Hardik Patel, who shot into fame in public life leading mammoth rallies of the Patel community in Gujarat and to some extent succeeding in mobilising them, says he is not a member of any political party . “But I am against the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Narendra Modi government for making false promises that they never bothered to fulfill.

“Just before landing at Nagpur airport, I was looking at the sparse landscape and drought-like scenario from up there. Then it struck me that the lives of about 90 passengers in the flight depended on the pilot. Indeed, he landed us safely. “But the country seems to be hurtling down to peril as the person (Modi) guiding the destiny of 125 crore Indians is not reliable,” the youth leader warned.

Te Patedar leader on Friday paid floral tributes to Babsaheb Ambedkar.

Mr Patel said, “Here I have come to see the condition of farmers and jobless youth who trusted Modi and are now paying a heavy price for it” he added.

On whether he was keen on entering electoral politics, Mr Patel said he was a proud Gujarati who would never seek people’s sympathy to gain power by wearing his poverty and lower class origins on his sleeve. “I will continue to raise my voice in a democratic way against injustice and falsehood.”

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