Suhas Pednekar appointed as new Vice Chancellor of MU

Mumbai: Dr. Suhas Pednekar, Principal of Matunga-based Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College is the new Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the University of Mumbai (MU). The state governor and chancellor of MU, Ch. Vidyasagar Rao announced Dr Pednekar’s name in an official mail, from among the five short-listed candidates. The post of the VC has been lying vacant since the ‘removal’ of Sanjay Deshmukh on October 24, 2017.
Dr. Pednekar who is also a professor of Chemistry, has been appointed for a period of five years, or until he crosses 65 years, whichever is earlier. His specialized subject is ‘Organic Chemistry’. His research contributions include ‘Research guide for Organic Chemistry & Biotechnology’ and he has published 43 research papers in peer reviewed international and national journals. Holding an experience of 32 years in the field of education, Dr. Pednekar has been professor of Chemistry since 2005 and a Principal since 2006.
Rao sacked Deshmukh for gross negligence and for failing to comply with the directives issued by the governor. Deshmukh,scrapped the pen-paper mode of assessment and introduced an On-Screen Marking (OSM) system, adopted for the online assessment of the answer papers. However, lack of expertise and knowledge led to failure of implementing the assessment. This caused a four-month delay in declaring the results of the final year students causing utter chaos for them in their academic life. After removing Deshmukh, Rao appointed Dr. Devanand Shinde, the VC of Shivaji University, Kolhapur to hold the additional charge of the post.
A search committee was formed by Rao to hunt the new VC two months ago After scrutinizing around 32 candidates, five were short-listed and Dr. Pednekar was one of them.
Pednekar's academic career
National Level - Best Chemistry Teacher Award (2013)
State Level- Best Teacher Award by the Govt of Maharashtra (2012)
Vocational Excellence Award by Rotary International District (2012)
Presented and published 15 articles/papers on higher education at international and national levels.
Received special training in 'Academic Leadership; organised by Oxford University, UK (2015) and by Harvard University, USA (2015)