
Seven held for smuggling, 75kg gold seized by DRI

The racket was busted after the DRI officers laid a trap in Dongri and intercepted two vehicles early this week.

Mumbai: The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) busted a gold smuggling racket operating out of south Mumbai and arrested seven persons who handled the precious metal after it landed in India. The investigators have seized 75 kg gold worth '24.5 crore, which is part of the total of 200 kgs that was allegedly imported in shipping consignments that would contain scrap.

Those arrested have been identified as Nisar Aliyar (43), the main accused who admitted to have smuggled 200 kg gold into the country, Shoeb Zarodarwala (47), Abdul Zarodarwala (26), Manoj Jain (32), Aaquil Fruitwala (39), Shaikh Ahad (32) and Happy Dhakad (34). The racket was busted after the DRI officers laid a trap in Dongri and intercepted two vehicles early this week.

They were summoned by the DRI and their statement were recorded following which it came to the fore that the gold was smuggled along with the metal scrap by Aliyar.

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