
Never politicise development projects: Gadkari

About BJP-Sena relations, he said that relations between the two parties were like that between any husband and wife.

Mumbai: While slamming opponents of developmental projects such as the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train and the Nanar green refinery, Union minister Nitin Gadkari advised that they must never oppose developmental projects for political reasons. He did however admit that the BJP had opposed the Enron project when it was in the opposition. Mr Gadkari also predicted that although relations with the Shiv Sena were tense, the latter would remain with the BJP.

About BJP-Sena relations, he said that relations between the two parties were like that between any husband and wife. “Tuze maze jamena, tuzhya vachun karmena” (We cannot get along with each other but we also cannot live without each other). Our alliance is based on Hindutva which will remain intact,” he said.

Mr Gadkari was interacting with the press on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of NDA’s central government, and explained its various schemes and projects. Asked about the opposition to the Nanar green refinery project in Rajapur, he said, “Opponents should think about developmental politics. They should not oppose only for political reasons.” He was quick to accept that the BJP had opposed Enron when in the opposition.

Asked about the separate Vidharbha commitment of the party, Mr Gadkari said, “For the Constitutional amendment for the new state, a nod of 2/3rd majority in the parliament is required which is not possible till the Congress supports it.”

Mr Gadkari expressed concern over rising fuel prices and hoped that they would dip after fuel came under GST. About opposition protests on the issue, he said, “We have done the same things in the opposition as it was our right.”

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