
In tweet, man complains about RPF

As per the man's tweet, he was falsely accused of entering the station premises in a drunken state.

Mumbai: A commuter has taken to Twitter to lodge his complaint against the Railway Police Force (RPF), who he claims harassed him after he objected to them beating up a physically challenged man. According to the tweets, the incident occurred on Friday night, right outside CST’s main gate, which faces the Sterling lane.

The man tweeted that he was falsely accused of being drunk and entering CST’s heritage premises illegally by the RPF at around 9.45 pm. When he pointed out that no action was being taken against the sex workers who were hanging around the same area, the three RPF personnel physically assaulted and abused him. His tweet, in which he had tagged the railway ministry’s official handle reads, “Your constables are harassing people who object to prostitutes standing outside CST station. Constables threatening us.”

Another tweet, in which the RPF, the ministry of railways and union minister Suresh Prabhu have been tagged, reads, “Registered fake complaint against me now asked to pay fine in court. They have taken my Aadhar and driving license.” The commuter also tweeted his mobile number so that concerned authorities could get in touch with him. But when contacted on Saturday morning, he refused to come on record. He claimed to have been publicly humiliated and said that no blood tests done to check the alcohol content in his blood.

RPF senior divisional security commissioner, Sachin Bhalode said, “The man was extremely drunk and was not aware of what was going on. We took him to St George and got a medical test done which revealed that his blood alcohol was high.”

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