
Anxiety over property led to murder: CBI

The CBI on Friday handed over copies of the charge sheet, running into approximately 4,000 pages, to Indrani Mukerjea, her former husband Sanjeev Khanna and driver Shaymvar Pinturam Rai.

The CBI on Friday handed over copies of the charge sheet, running into approximately 4,000 pages, to Indrani Mukerjea, her former husband Sanjeev Khanna and driver Shaymvar Pinturam Rai. According to prosecution, the fear of Sheena Bora inheriting her entire property and that of her husband led to her murder.

According to the charge sheet, relations between Sheena and Indrani soured after the former fell in love with Rahul Mukerjea, who was actually her stepbrother. Evidence collected by CBI includes SMSes and emails sent to or by Sheena. The investing agency has claimed the mobile phone location of the accused shows they were present at the spot at the time of the incident. There are around 150 witnesses and 200 forensic documents mentioned in the charge sheet. Though some of the forensic test reports are still awaited and will be submitted before the court as supplementary charge sheet once reports are received.

The CBI has claimed that at a time when Indrani was very angry with Sheena, Sheena’s step-sister Vidhie got a hint that Indrani could harm Sheena and to warn Sheena, she sent her an SMS saying, “Umm Sheena this should stay between us two only you and Rahul should be careful because Mama is getting ‘worried’ about you two so I am just warning you guys anything might come across please don’t say anything because I will actually be dead if not dead, Mama will do something so bad trust me I really need your consent to this Mama says she does not want to break up the relationship she wants to get someone out of the way and I’ve just heard something exotic. Please reply back xxxx.”

After the murder when Rahul was trying to call on Sheena’s mobile phone, Indrani replied through SMSes, posing as Sheena. The SMSes said, “We (Sheena and Indrani) are still having a drink. Would you mind if I stay back with Indy. Love.” The next message said, “I am enjoying myself. I would really like to spend the night and have some quality time. You go home. I will get back in the morning.” The last message said, “Babu, I know this will break your heart but I wish to discontinue our relationship. I did not have the heart to say this to you, I met someone else. In fact, I have left with him. Sorry with him. Sorry.”

According to CBI, while Indrani was pursuing her studies in Shillong, she met Siddharth Das, and Sheena and Mikhail were born out of this relationship. Later, Indrani got married to Peter Mukerjea and brought her children Sheena and Mikhail to Mumbai because Indrani’s parents, who had adopted these children, were facing financial crisis and needed her help for their education. Since Indrani’s parents had adopted Sheena, she introduced her to everyone, including Peter, as her sister. She also told her children nobody should learn they were her own children as it would affect her business and her reputation.

Rahul met Sheena in Mumbai and they both fell in love with each other but Indrani was against their relationship. Despite Indrani’s disapproval and explaining to Rahul that Sheena was her daughter, they continued their relationship and got engaged in 2011 after getting Rahul’s mother’s consent. The CBI has claimed that before getting married with Peter, Indrani had married Sanjeev Khanna and out of this wedlock, they had a daughter called Vidhie. Indrani, who has a soft corner for her daughter Vidhie, was worried that if Rahul and Sheena got married, all the property belonging to her and Peter would go to Rahul and Sheena because Peter loved his son a lot.

After this, Indrani started planning to eliminate Sheena and she also convinced her former husband Sanjeev that if Sheena was eliminated, their daughter Vidhie would be able to get a share in Peter’s property.

BI has claimed that Indrani, Sanjeev and Shaymvar executed the murder plan in April 2012. To hide the fact that Sheena was no more, Indrani sent some SMSes to Rahul from Sheena’s mobile phone and also created an email account on Sheena’s name and sent mails to known people including Rahul, Vidhie and Mikhail to give an impression that she was alive.

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