
‘Debris near tracks will be cleared’

The Western Railway (WR) general manager G.C.

The Western Railway (WR) general manager G.C. Agarwal has said that they will be cleaning the debris next to the tracks after the empty passenger coach had run into some debris at Lower Parel on Tuesday, causing the coach to capsize and cause over 100 cancellations on the line.

The Asian Age on May 31, was the first to report that after the second (passenger) coach had derailed and dragged for over 70 metres, it had smashed into abandoned leftover construction material, causing it to capsize. “We agree that the leftover construction material like the one which caused the coach to turtle on Tuesday should have not been there in the first place. We will try to remove such waste material from next to all the tracks as soon as possible,” said Mr Agarwal.

Mr Agarwal has also said that the work of removing such debris and material from next to the track will be expedited, given that monsoon is right around the corner.

“Also there will be more flooding on the tracks if such material remains next to the track. So we will try to clean it up before monsoon hits as it has the possibility of affecting our daily operations as well,” he further added.

The WR had seen chaos on its slow line, which was shut down for almost six hours when the second coach of a 13-coach train derailed, while being moved from Lower Parel workshop to the yard.

The inquiry for the same is still on and according to the railway rules, its report has to be submitted 10 days from the accident.

No was injured as a result of the accident.

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