
Hated India, wanted to hurt it: David Headley

The 55-year-old Pakistani-American terrorist David Coleman Headley on Friday told the court that he hated India and Indians and had wanted to cause maximum damage to it since his childhood.

The 55-year-old Pakistani-American terrorist David Coleman Headley on Friday told the court that he hated India and Indians and had wanted to cause maximum damage to it since his childhood.

Answering questions asked by defence lawyer Khan Abdul Wahab during cross-examination in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks trial, Headley said that on December 7, 1971 (during the Indo-Pak war) the Indian airplanes bombed his school in Pakistan, in which his school was destroyed and people working there had died. According to him one of the reasons for him to join Lashkar-e-Tayyaba was to avenge this.

On the third day of his cross-examination, Headley informed the court that he had told his other associates in LeT that the nine attackers who died during the Mumbai attacks should be awarded Pakistani Military’s highest gallantry award Nishan-e-Haider. Headley stated before the court that it was merely a suggestion by him.

Another importantaspect revealed by Headley on Friday was that the LeT was trying to free Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone gunman caught alive after the 26/11 assault and later hanged, from police by “trading” hostages at Chabad House in Mumbai.

Headley told the court that after the attacks were over his supervisor Sajid Mir had told him that during the attacks one attacker (Kasab) was arrested by the police and LeT was trying to free him and hence the handlers had asked the attackers in Chabad House to contact the Israeli Embassy and “trade” hostages for Kasab.

Speaking about two earlier failed attempts to attack Mumbai, Headley said that the first attempt was cancelled because the boat carrying attackers had hit a rock and capsized.

Though all the attackers had survived, all arms and ammunition was lost and the plan failed. He however for the first time also said that on the second attempt made two-three days later (on their journey) the attackers had spotted an Indian fishing vessel and had attempted to open fire on it but the vessel escaped.

According to Headley, due to this the “boys” (attackers) were demoralised and were sent to a safe house in Karachi in Pakistan. Later LeT operative Sajid Mir had informed him that they were readying for a third attempt.

Headley is deposing as an approver in the trial against Zabiuddin Ansari alias Abu Jundal in the 26/11 trial.

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