
Rahul Shewale to be Sena’s ‘dalit card’ in LS elections

Rahul Shewale, standing committee chairman of the BMC, could be the Shiv Sena candidate from Mumbai south central constituency.

Rahul Shewale, standing committee chairman of the BMC, could be the Shiv Sena candidate from Mumbai south central constituency. Shiv Sena lost this seat to Congress in 2004 and the party is trying hard to win it back this time around. Talks in the political circle are that Mr Shewale could be chosen because he is from a scheduled caste and the constituency has a large number of dalits and Muslims. Interestingly, Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray was regarded a leader who would never consider a candidate’s caste or community as a criterion. When contacted, Shiv Sena spokesperson Neelam Gorhe dismissed the idea that her party would consider caste in deciding candidature. “In its history, Shiv Sena has never decided candidates based on castes and Mr Shewale will not be an exception,” she said. Veteran Congress leader Eknath Gaikwad has been the MP from Mumbai south central for the last two terms. He defeated Shiv Sena leader and former Lok Sabha speaker Manohar Joshi and Suresh Gambir in 2004 and 2009 elections respectively. Though Mr Joshi is again interested in contesting from the constituency, sources from Shiv Sena informed that party president Uddhav Thackeray is not inclined to take a risk with Mr Joshi. According to sources, Mr Shewale has already accepted the proposal on the condition that if he loses the general elections, the party will offer him assembly candidature. It also appears that he has already begun his groundwork. His posters have appeared in Dadar and surrounding areas, something that has not gone well with other party leaders. “Mr Joshi met Mr Thackeray on Wednesday and complained about hoardings put up in Dadar and surrounding areas. Mr Thackeray assured him that the candidate’s name has not been finalised,” said a Shiv Sena leader on the condition of anonymity. Ms Gorhe said it would be premature to talk about Mr Shewale’s candidature. “Mr Thackeray will take the decision on Shiv Sena candidates for Lok Sabha. So far he has not decided anything,” she said.

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