
Shouting can lead to vocal disorders in kids

It may be commonplace for children to shout while playing but if medical experts are to be believed, this could lead to voice disorders like hoarseness, vocal weakness and vocal nodules or calluses on

It may be commonplace for children to shout while playing but if medical experts are to be believed, this could lead to voice disorders like hoarseness, vocal weakness and vocal nodules or calluses on vocal folds. The larynx or voice box holds the vocal cords, which are very delicate and need to be treated with care. Voice disorders are common among children but mostly go unreported and have huge repercussions during adulthood.

Speaking to this newspaper on the eve of World Voice Day on Saturday, Dr Kashmira P. Chavan, consultant ENT surgeon, said, “Vocal misuse occurs among children due to continuous screaming, repeated coughing that can be caused by allergic reaction, improper use of asthma inhaler or speaking at a higher volume. But unlike other injuries, people don’t pay much heed to their voice injuries.”

“I have seen that vocal nodules are the most common voice disorder. In a few cases, I have witnessed HVP-patholoma when delicate lining on the outside of the vocal cod starts growing caused by a virus,” said Ms Chavan.

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