
Traffic cops get trained to record videos

Two days after the Mumbai police commissioner issued a circular making it mandatory for an armed policeman to be present with traffic cops on nakabandi duty, sources in the Mumbai Traffic Police (MTP)

Two days after the Mumbai police commissioner issued a circular making it mandatory for an armed policeman to be present with traffic cops on nakabandi duty, sources in the Mumbai Traffic Police (MTP) have revealed that traffic policemen are now being trained to record videos of errant drivers. The circular, issued on September 9, had also said that the policemen would have to record videos of drivers who violated traffic norms.

Following the circular, joint commissioner of police (traffic) Milind Bharambe issued an order to all senior traffic personnel asking them to ensure that the points in the circular are followed. “The circular demands that if an offender is caught, the policemen present at the spot should record formalities, such as checking him for the offence and issuing him a challan, on video. All traffic officers have been asked to record the same on their phones,” said an officer.

The order issued by Mr Bharambe was sent to all senior-level traffic officers. It states that all senior officers should reply by September 15 on whether they have issued the orders to the junior-level officers.

The order further states that all offenders will be checked and caught at only nakabandis that are set up after consultations with the local police station. “Unlike before, no lone traffic officer will be found at traffic signals or junctions to check on helmet-less drivers or vehicles breaking signals,” said an officer. “Now, only an eight-officer team, with one of them armed with an issued weapon, will conduct inspections and catch offenders,” he added.

This move of the Mumbai Police and MTP comes after the city witnessed a spate of cases of policemen being assaulted by errant drivers.

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