Five killed in UP's Shahjahanpur road accident
Shahjahanpur: A car rammed into a truck, leaving five members of a family dead and five others critically injured in Uttar Pradesh's Shahjahanpur district, police said on Thursday. Superintendent of Police (SP) Rajesh S said, "The accident occurred near the Barkheda Jaipal crossroads on the Bareilly-Etawah highway when a family travelling to Delhi in an Ertiga car collided with an oncoming truck late Wednesday night."
The deceased were identified as Riyazul Ali (45), Amna (42), Gudiya (9), Tamanna 'Anu' (32), and Noor (6).
Riyazul, a resident of Kant town in Shahjahanpur, was engaged in the garment business in Delhi, the police said.
"The family had left for Delhi at around 10 PM on Wednesday night after attending a wedding. Their vehicle met with the fatal collision shortly thereafter," the SP said.
Police said they have taken the truck driver into custody and seized the vehicle.
Shamsher Ali, the uncle of Riyazul, said at the hospital, "The family had come to Shahjahanpur two days ago for a wedding and were returning to Delhi when this tragedy occurred."
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has expressed condolences to the bereaved families.
In a statement, he directed district officials to ensure the injured receive proper treatment and prayed for their speedy recovery.�
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