
Union Minister Launches SHe-Box Portal to Strengthen Workplace Safety

Hyderabad: In a significant move aimed at bolstering workplace safety for women, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, under the leadership of Union Minister Annpurna Devi, has launched the new SHe-Box portal.

The centralized platform is designed to streamline the registration and monitoring of complaints related to sexual harassment in the workplace. The launch event, held in New Delhi, also saw the unveiling of a new website for the Ministry, both of which are expected to enhance the government's digital engagement with the public.

The SHe-Box portal is a crucial component in the government's ongoing efforts to deter sexual harassment of women in workplaces across India. Serving as a centralized repository, the portal will store information about Internal Committees (ICs) and Local Committees (LCs) formed across both government and private sectors. It offers a unified platform for women to file complaints, monitor their status, and ensure that complaints are processed in a timely manner by the relevant authorities.

Annpurna Devi highlighted the importance of the portal in her speech, emphasizing that it will provide a more efficient and secure method for women to address workplace harassment. “This initiative furthers the government’s commitment to creating a safer and more inclusive working environment for women across India,” she stated.

The Minister also assured that the portal is designed to protect the privacy of complainants, ensuring that personal information remains confidential. As India approaches its centenary in 2047, the government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has placed significant emphasis on women-led development.

Recognizing the pivotal role of women in driving inclusive economic growth, the government has focused on creating a safe and secure environment that enables women to thrive in the workforce. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, which aims to protect women from sexual harassment and address their grievances, is a cornerstone of this effort.

The newly launched SHe-Box portal represents a significant step forward in implementing the provisions of this Act. It ensures that complaints are not only registered but also actively monitored, providing a robust framework for addressing workplace harassment.

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