Why AIBEA called for a nationwide strike, Explained

The All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) has called for a nationwide strike on August 28.
“AIBEA’s call for strike on 28th August 2024 Against political attack on trade union Management agrees not to take disciplinary action On office bearers of our Union Strike call withdrawn,” stated CH Venkatchalam, on social media platform X, August 23.
Reasons for the strike:
The AIBEA called for a nationwide strike in response to the Bank of India's action against its thirteen officials for attending the 23rd Biennial Conference of the Bank of India Staff Union-Kerala. The Bank of India sent chargesheets to thirteen Bank of India Staff Union Kerala office bearers.
In a press release, AIBEA stated, "Political interference and political attack on the Union and the vindictive actions taken against the union leaders in Bank of India Staff Union, Kerala."
Minutes of discussion between the management of Bank of India, Indian Banks' Association, All India Bank Employees Association, and Federation of Bank of India Staff Unions held at the IBA office in Mumbai on August 23, 2024, were made public by CH Venkatchalam on August 28 to revoke the proposed strike.
These are the minutes of the talks that took place on August 23, 2024, in the IBA office in Mumbai between the management of Bank of India, the Indian Banks' Association, the All India Bank Employees Association, and the Federation of Bank of India Staff Unions.
"Discussions took place between the management of Bank of India, representatives of Indian Banks' Association, All India Bank Employees Association, and Federation of Bank of India Staff Unions on the Strike Notice served by AIBEA and FOBOISU proposing to observe All India Strike on 28th August 2024.
Issues involved were discussed. The management of the bank (Bank of India) explained the reasons for issuing the charge sheets. The FOBOISU explained the factual matrix of the incident connected with the conference of the Bank of India Staff Union, Kerala, and informed that BOISU, Kerala had taken immediate and adequate measures to ensure that the name of the Bank is not put into any harm or disrepute and it was only the outsiders/external forces who had unleashed a false propaganda and spread distorted facts on social media.
The detailed letter submitted by the President and General Secretary of Bank of India Staff Union, Kerala was taken note of and taken on record. Facts disclosed in the course of the discussions and having regard to the facts that have emerged during the discussions, it is satisfactory and accordingly the management decided not to proceed further in the matter against the concerned employees/office bearers with any departmental proceedings and in view of this, the AIBEA and FOBOISU informed their decision to withdraw the proposed strike on 28th August, 2024."
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