
Lucknow man sees puppy stuck in drain, builds drone to save it

The 27-year-old managed find the pup trapped inside a filthy drain in the middle of the road.

In an incident that perfectly encapsulates the beauty of humanity and technology, a man from Lucknow managed to save a pup stuck in a drain with the help of a drone.

Lucknow's Milind Raj was out for his usual morning walk last month when he heard an animal whimper.

The 27-year-old managed find the pup trapped inside a filthy drain in the middle of the road.

Upon knowing that the mutt was stuck there for two days, Raj, a keen enthusiast of Artificial Intelligence (AI) who builds robots for a living, went to his lab hoping to put together a device to help the pup out.

Raj decided to attach an AI-controlled robotic arm to a giant drone. Both are devices he built in his Lucknow lab.

Speaking to NDTV, Raj said that the detrimental condition of the drain meant that it was not possible for a human to rescue the puppy without endangering their own life. He decided to use the AI-controlled robotic arm because it has a smart heartbeat sensor.

He returned to the open drain six hours later and sent the improvised aerial vehicle to do its job - controlling the drone carefully from outside.

The AI helped him monitor the animal's heart rate for if the grip was too tight, the pup would suffocate."

Raj was soon able to rescue the puppy.

Once safe, the puppy vomited a couple of times.

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