
Nun is one of Florida's heroes of Hurricane Irma

Meet Sister Margaret Ann, the nun who came ready to help her community following Hurricane Irma.

A nun in Florida (US) is being hailed a hero for coming out and doing her part with the clean-up efforts following Hurricane Irma.

Sister Margaret Ann brought a chainsaw to cut down trees. Miami-Dade police posted a video on Facebook taken by off-duty officer of the nun hard at work with a smile on her face.

In the post, police said "acts of kindness" like the nun's is a reminder they are part of one community.

Many wanted to express their gratitude to the hero sister, "Sister with a chain saw...there's a rock song in there somewhere... May God bless and keep her and all the folks recovering from Irma," Susan McVay commented on the Facebook post.

"Look at the smile on her face. Aww you just have to love her," said Wanda Turner Moss.

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