Mystery behind birth of Saturn’s rings solved
Planetary rings that surround Saturn, Neptune and Uranus were formed four billion years ago when large objects passed very close to planets and got destroyed, scientists have found, solving the mystery behind the origin and diversity of these rings.
The giant planets in our Solar System have very diverse rings. Observations show that Saturn’s rings are made of over 95 per cent icy particles, while the rings of Uranus and Neptune are darker and may have higher rock content. The study by experts at Kobe University and Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan focused on the period called the Late Heavy Bombardment that is believed to have occurred 4 billion years ago in our Solar System, when the giant planets underwent orbital migration. It is thought that thousands of Pluto-sized objects from the Kuiper belt existed beyond Neptune. Expe-rts calculated the probability that these large objects passed close to the giant planets and were destroyed by their tidal force during the Late Heavy Bombardment.