Darjeeling opportunity

The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM), which has been leading the separate statehood movement, has called off the indefinite strike in Darjeeling. The ending of the blockade after 104 days is a lifeline for a region whose economy has been crippled by the virtual shutdown of the hills. Beyond the economy, so dependent on tea and tourism that it may have taken a Rs 600 crore-hit in the last three months, it is the strategic importance of the hills close to Sikkim and also to the tri-junction of India, Bhutan and China that should be kept in mind in seeking a resolution of the issue. While tripartite peace talks are to begin under the auspices of the Centre, there is a danger here that New Delhi’s desire to impose its diktat might ruin the prospects of lasting peace in a region falling under Mamata Banerjee’s West Bengal.
The breakthrough achieved even before Rajnath Singh’s intervention is an opportunity the State can seize to find the compromise formula that will keep the statehood aspirations in check. To ensure a united Bengal state a genuine devolution of powers must be granted, more than mere token offerings never seriously followed up on. The composition of the population of the region must be taken into consideration while granting the autonomy. As the imposition of Bengali as a compulsory study subject was the immediate trigger that brought about the blockade, but it was quickly withdrawn. Language chauvinism should not come in the way of keeping the composite nature of the state whose mountainous region in the north is distinct from other parts. Sikkim’s problem of logistics stemming from trouble in Darjeeling is another reason why a peaceful solution becomes even more important. The compulsions of keeping India together must rise above national and regional politics.