
AA Edit | Wrestlers deserve support of all

The Delhi police are doing what police often does in India remain indifferent to the accused in a position in power and unleash havoc

A modern democratic nation, which evolved from an ancient civilisation, which held an adage — Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata (gods live there, where women are worshipped) — as a truism, must use its fullest force of conviction, complete strength and effort to ensure that no injustice takes place against women, and anything or anyone that compromises their dignity and honour must be punished with unhesitant sovereign might.

Conversely, where women are dishonoured, gods leave such a place, and its people will find no cosmic or divine favour. Into such a cursed hell will we, as a society, be relegated to, if our daughters and sisters, heroes and achievers at that, those who shed sweat, tears and blood for the nation’s honour, are first dishonoured, and then when they seek justice, frustrated by the system to a point where they start losing faith.

Wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Sakshi Mallik, who have been on an unceasing protest at Jantar Mantar in the national capital against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, the chief of India’s wrestling federation, over allegations of sexual misdemeanours and misconduct, were broken to a point, where Ms Phogat said, “I would not want any athlete to win a medal for the country.”

Movie fans will recall Ms Phogat from Aamir Khan’s epic hit, Dangal; where the struggles of the Phogat sisters was cinematically narrated and captured. Do our sportswomen and champions, or any Indian woman, have to fight so bitterly and hard for justice against sexual exploitation?

The Delhi police are doing what police often does in India — remain indifferent to the accused in a position in power and unleash havoc and demonstrate their might against the weak and vulnerable, who are on protest.

“We will return all medals. To what level will we tolerate humiliation?” a champion wrestler says tearfully on TV.

Thirty-three million Gods, who too must be watching, must shrug with horror, and will soon start returning and rejecting all that you offer in worship. They can’t see women cry either.

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