Mystic Mantra: The call of the voice within
If we can achieve our life's goal of union with God, we will walk the earth with the same Godly love flowing through us.

There are instances in life when a small voice inside tells us that there is more to life than what we know of in this physical world. It may be triggered by an accident, by a death in the family or by a heavy loss. We suddenly begin to question the meaning of life, who we are, and what happens to us after death. This nagging little voice begins to cry louder and louder. We start experiencing a pull to search for the answers. This is God’s tug on our heart to pull us back to Him. The moment He gets an opportunity, the first moment He sees that we have some doubts about reality and the all-encompassing importance of this world and its attractions, He takes advantage of it. He plants the seed in us that will lead us to start our spiritual quest in search of the answers to life’s mysteries. His love starts to work within us, and we begin to long to know God. This is a great day for us. We are hearing the small voice of our soul and its desire to know its true parent.
As we pay more and more attention to this voice crying to go home, God eventually leads us to a place where someone can put us on the road back to Him. He leads us to a spiritual teacher who tells us of our true nature, that we are soul and a part of God. He then shows us a method whereby we can rise above this physical world and see for ourselves our true heritage as a drop of God. He teaches how to meditate and invert our attention to the inner worlds. He puts us in contact with the stream of light and sound which issued forth from God when He created this universe. That same stream flows back to Him. It is a stream made of the same essence of God, all light, all music and all love. When the soul meditates and comes in contact with the stream it feels fulfilment and enjoyment because it is a part of the same essence as that stream. We begin to feel more satisfaction and happiness from coming in contact with the current of light and sound than we feel from any physical enjoyment. This contact is the power of love that will turn our attention Godwards. We find that worldly enjoyments begin to lose their appeal. We do not find the same fulfilment from anything in this world as we do when our soul contacts the light and the sound in meditation. The soul then wants more and more of that bliss and becomes more absorbed in the inner light and sound. The further the soul travels within, the more ecstasy it experiences. The more ecstasy it experiences, the more it wants. As one of the great saints of past century, Sant Darshan Singh said in a verse:
I thought that when the Cupbearer came he would quench my thirst,
But alas, he has come and gone and my thirst has been intensified.
If we can achieve our life’s goal of union with God, we will walk the earth with the same Godly love flowing through us. We will bring joy and solace to each person we meet. People will feel a happiness and calmness in our presence. And when they ask us from where we received this special gift, they too will want to have it. If each soul in creation experienced union with God, this world would abound with happiness and joy. We would all go around in a state of bliss. The love on this planet would continue to increase, until God’s kingdom would truly be brought to earth.
The more time we spend in meditation, the more we will experience this love. This will draw us further until we merge with love itself, God Himself.