Mystic Mantra - Spiritual unity: A goal God seeks of us
All religions also recognise the existence of the soul that enlivens us and that the soul is of the same essence as God.

Everyday, throughout the world, there are meetings and conferences for a multitude of purposes. There are conferences on science, education, health, welfare, technology, business and a number of other topics. Of all the conferences for which people get together, spiritual unity is the most significant one in which humanity can be involved.
Spiritual unity is the purpose for which God created the human form and enlivened each with the soul. Spiritual unity is the lesson for which souls were sent down into this world. Spiritual unity is the goal that God seeks for each one of us.
All religions also recognise the existence of the soul that enlivens us and that the soul is of the same essence as God. Many scriptures speak of God as an ocean of love, consciousness and bliss. It is said that in the beginning, God was one, and then wished to be many. With that thought, parts of that one were separated and sent into this world as souls. If we each trace our spiritual roots, we will find that at one time we each were connected at the level of the soul in the vast, unlimited and unbounded ocean of the Creator.
When we came into this world, we identified ourselves with our body and mind. We came to think of ourselves in terms of the name that our parents gave us, in terms of the religion to which our parents belonged, and in terms of the country where our physical body lived. The more we identified with these outer labels, the more forgetful we became of our true essence — a part of God.
If we make a deep study of each religion and study the sayings of the saints and prophets, we will find that they each taught one lesson — the lesson of love, peace and unity. Each of the saints and prophets gave to humanity directions and guidelines by which we could recognise our spiritual unity. If we wish to be true followers of our religion, we will trace the esoteric core — the teachings given out by the saints and prophets — and begin to put them into practice. That teaching was to regain our spiritual unity. In each religion we find that the method taught to return to God was to connect with the God power within us.
Once we contact the light within, we too can partake of that divine love. We will then see that light of God shining in all beings, in all people, in all animals, in all creation. We will then recognise our essential unity and we will have love for all. When we see God’s light in every person, every animal, every flower, in every atom of the creation, we recognise our spiritual unity.
When we recognise our spiritual unity, we will begin to care about the welfare of others. We will see that all are fed and well cared for. We will see that all have shelter over their heads. We will see that everyone has medical care and good education. We will not be able to look at ourselves in the mirror if we have caused harm to any of God’s creations — our brothers and sisters in Him.
If we are true followers of our religion, we will sit together with all members of humanity, irrespective of religion, nationality, colour or social status, and pray together as one family in the name of the Lord.
And let us all experience together the love, light, and ecstasy that He is eager to bestow on each of us, who are all His children. Let His love flood our beings, embracing each other with God’s boundless love flowing through each of us to experience spiritual unity.