Mystic Mantra: God notices the blissfulness in us immediately
We should strive to be blissfully immersed in our own world, irrespective of situations in our life.

A king was strolling on his terrace in the evening. By chance, his sight fell on the market where he saw a saint roaming around. The saint was walking in such a blissful state as though he did not belong to this world at all.
The king was a man of good culture. The king instructed his men to stop that saint wherever he is and take him to the saint immediately. On receiving the command, the king’s men immediately readied the chariot and took the king to the saint. The king apologised for stopping him in the middle of the market and prayed to him to answer one question.
“What is your question?” asked the saint.
The question asked by the King was, “How quickly can God be realised?”
“Oh king! You know the answer very well” replied the saint.
“How is it that I know the answer?” confusingly asked the king.
The saint then went on to explain, saying that “If in my mind, had I thought of trying to meet you, then there would have been many difficulties along the way, and it would have taken very long. I am not even certain whether it would be possible to meet you or not. But whereas, in your mind, you thought about meeting me and you were able to do so immediately? O’ king! In the same way, if it comes in God’s mind to meet you, then there will be no delay in meeting Him.”
“But how can the thought come in God’s mind to meet me?” asked the king.
To which the saint replied, “How did you get the thought in your mind to meet me?” The king said, “When I saw that you were blissfully immersed in your own world, totally oblivious of everything around you like the noisy street, market activity, stores with valuable items, men and attractive women, you immediately got my attention and then I thought about meeting you in person.”
The saint said, “O’ king! In the same way, when you become immersed in God and always remain ecstatic about Him and lead your life with complete happiness and contentment, oblivious of the worldly attractions, then the thought will come in God’s mind to meet you, and he will come running to meet you.”
This is all that is required to meet God — nothing more and nothing less.
We should strive to be blissfully immersed in our own world, irrespective of situations in our life. This is a sign of our evolution as a human being — and this is something God takes notice of immediately. He is tired of seeing people pray to him about same old things of driving problems away, or asking for materialistic gains. But God rarely comes across people who are happy all the time and who also spread joy around them, and hence they attract immediate attention from the Almighty.
So, become unconditionally cheerful and spread joy all around!