Mystic Mantra: Vedic texts should not be seen as just myths
The modern scientists now also agree that the human race was brought here from some other dimensions and gods looked over it.

Krishna’s Dwarka and the war between Krishna and Shalwa is described in the Mahabharata. The various weapons used in the war are also detailed including thunderbolts from flying machines in the sky and weapons, resembling nuclear warheads and machines that seem to be like flying saucers.
Till recently, Dwarka was called a myth by modern historians, just like Ram Setu or Mahabharata or Saraswati River. It is anyone’s guess that most of these historians were from the West or with western education as the basis and were towing the line of Macaulay, who in 1836, was convinced that Indians were economically and culturally very advanced. He felt it that the only way to rule this country was to make Indians believe that their culture was inferior to the British and their knowledge was primitive. Any proof of the supremacy of the east over the west would have hurt the agenda of the colonial British rule.
The discovery of the city of Dwarka off the coast of Gujarat and the discovery of gigantic citadels and colossal foundations which the authorities say could not be made by humans, point towards the existence of Krishna and that the city was built by Vishwakarma... a God. The discovery of River Saraswati by NASA confirms the river was not a myth...same goes for all the other facts also, which are now proven to have existed just as they were described in our scriptures, by the western intellgent scientists and historians.
Michael Cremo and David Childress in their books Forbidden Archeology and Technology of the Gods describe the wars and proofs of human civilization existing here 32000 years back.
Sangam literature says that there was a land mass connecting India with Australia called KumariKandam where a sangam was held by saints 11000 years back; here all the knowledge was collected and shared (Studies in Tamil Literature and History, Vol 5, by Ramachandra Dikshitar). Most of the saints were extraterrestrials and some could be called to have come from different dimensions (lokas). The ancients specified the difference between lokas and planets and galaxies. The former were levels of existences of beings of various kinds while the latter was only a physical plane. (David Childress in Technology of the Gods). In the vedic philosophy, gods and demons live in various lokas or planes of subtler or grosser existences...not physical places.
The vedic scriptures say that gods came from other dimensions and so did various other existences like gandharv, yaksha, rakshas etc...even humans came to this planet.
The modern scientists now also agree that the human race was brought here from some other dimensions and gods looked over it. It is also very interesting to see that this reality has been completely wiped off the minds of the majority of people. The modern day man believes in no gods, he believes in only exploitation of the earth’s resources for his personal gain at the cost of nearly destroying the environment and nature...the very environment that he has to live in, for he falsely believes that he is not going to come back once he is dead.
The Vedas gave a code of conduct to the humans and also gave ways to communicate with gods (NASA Researcher Rick Briggs, asserted in AI Magazine in 1985, established the application of Sanskrit in artificial intelligence and space communication) and also gave the route back in case if we had lived our full in this dimension and desired to go back home...this route was revealed to the Guru. Interestingly they also clearly warned and told, that man of this time period would destroy everything including himself because of his selfish and atheist nature. There would be very few who would be able to see reality and would try and save mankind. Rishi Markandey clearly describes the events of Kaliyug in the Van Parva of Mahabharat.
Slowly as modern science is discovering scientific facts which were documented thousands of years back by vedic masters, it is coming to conclude that what the Vedas spoke was a reality and not a myth. The only thing which would be left to be discovered would be the route to go back to our home and communication with the detailed in Sanatan Kriya, this is the subject of Guru-shishya relationship and hence cannot be discussed here...this would forever elude the modern day man as he would desperately try to create the instruments to achieve the given object, but as his ego will look for proof of authenticity of the vedic texts, proof which his instruments can validate, it would not permit him to make a Guru, all his rediscoveries would go to waste...he will rediscover the physical but the essence which is beyond physical would elude him...the reason for Mahapralay or the final doomsday.