Mystic Mantra: Human unity in diversity
Peace and unity are assured us when we achieve the union of our soul with God.

Whether we pray in a temple or a mosque, we will all realise that each person, irrespective of the religion into which he or she was born, is praying to one God. We will recognise that God is one, whether he is called God, Allah, Jehovah, Wahiguru, Parmatma, the Oversoul, the creative power of the universe, or any other name. We will see unity in the diversity of life. It will not matter to us whether someone is Hindu or Muslim, Sikh or Jain, Christian or Jewish, Buddhist or Parsi. We will recognise God’s light in each being, whether their outer skin is black, white, or tan. We will know that God resides in every person, whether born in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America, or South America. We will realize that the same Light of God is in each of them. We will appreciate the differences caused by tradition and cultures, but realise there is a unity in all living beings.
Through meditation, we can transform ourselves into ambassadors of God’s love and light on earth. There are many goals which people work towards in life. But the highest aim to which we can devote ourselves is human unity.
The path towards unity begins with each of us. We must first attain our union with God. Then, human unity will become a natural by-product. We will spread the fragrance of unity wherever we go. Others will be inspired by our example and will begin to emulate us. One by one, step by step, all human beings will find that they can attain true happiness and personal fulfillment by merging their souls with God through the process of meditation. In this way, we can bring about peace and unity on our planet. We have already spent much of our lifetime involved in the pursuit of worldly goals and attainments. We can evaluate how much happiness we have attained. We can think about whether we have eliminated suffering, pain, and hardship from our lives. We can look at the condition of the world.
Peace and unity are assured us when we achieve the union of our soul with God. If we feel that this is a goal we would like to accomplish in the remaining years of our life; there is a way to make it a reality. It is my hope and prayer that each person finds inner peace and unity, and can spread it throughout the world.
We owe our gratitude to the great spiritual teachers who have given us the tools and technique to reach this goal.
Let us take advantage of the golden opportunity, for we will not only be helping our own selves and our loved ones, but we will transform the world into one of peace and unity.
As Sant Darshan Singh prayed in another verse:
May the bond of brotherhood knit us all together,
And may the entire universe be at peace under your protective wings.