Mystic Mantra: Discover solutions in totality
Life is a relentless teacher. It never tires of repeating the same lessons until they are learnt.

Moment to moment and situation to situation we are required to take decisions, trifling as well as significant. Though sound advice and sage counsel may help to tide over some situations, others will require that we make independent choices; this is the nature of life.
TV soap operas present a perfect analogy of life. With just three male and three female characters, the serial carries on endlessly depicting their changing relationships, misunderstandings, and problems. As in life just when you think the conflict has resolved, the drama gets a new twist! To live a whole life, a clear vision is essential. This empowers us to make the correct decision in every situation.
A specific situation relates to only a particular time, place or individual. However, it is also part of the whole. Therefore, it is essential to have a vision of the totality, based on which at any given moment, we arrive at a decision for a particular situation.
In life it is imperative that we learn how to think; master the art of right thinking. More important than what to think is how to think. It should be clear and logical. Once we have learnt the art of right thinking, whatever be the situation or the topic, we will be equipped to effectively deal with it.
The emphasis should be on how to present a line of thought. Presentation is important. It counts everywhere – be it a court of law, a boardroom or even within the family. Presentation skills are what distinguish a successful from a not so successful salesman.
An insurance salesman who begins his sales pitch with “When you die…” is not likely to meet with much success. One who says, “This policy will help your family after you are not there to care for them,” would have more chance of selling the policy.
In the light of the totality of this vision, we need to examine every aspect of life. Diverse are people’s reactions to a physical disease. Some just die from the mere suspicion of cancer! But a spiritual person’s outlook to physical disease is quite special.
How one perceives a problem — physical, financial, or emotional, depends on the inner maturity of the person. The problem may be topical to a particular place, time, and situation, but the solution has to be found in the vision of the totality. This is where we make mistakes.
Problems are not a one-time occurrence. They keep cropping up and every time we cannot look to others for advice. We have to take our own decisions; appreciate how the problem relates to life, understand the lessons to be learnt and apply them.
Life is a relentless teacher. It never tires of repeating the same lessons until they are learnt.