
Mystic Mantra: Life is uncertain, but uncertainty is freedom

If your interiority is in a non-compulsive, conscious state, then you determine your experience of life.

Sadhguru: Nothing in the outside world is certain — that’s a fact. It’s uncertain and that’s what makes it challenging. Uncertainty means things are changing; in other words, there is no limbo. If you are walking fast, every step is new terrain.

This new terrain is what you are calling “uncertainty” right now. For those seeking opportunity, uncertainty is the best time. Those who have a vision will make it a possibility; those who don’t, will look at it as a problem.

Certainty is a state of limbo. If there is certainty, there is status quo. By seeking certainty, ultimately, you are pitching for stagnation. If things are stagnant, you will get bored. If things are happening rapidly, then you don’t have the balance to handle it. So, the problem is not with uncertainty; the problem is your interiority has become uncertain. If your interiority was not compulsive, you will handle every situation to the best of your ability. Maybe you can’t handle it like someone else, but you will handle it to the best of your ability, that’s about it.

If your interiority is in a non-compulsive, conscious state, then you determine your experience of life. With situations, you determine only part of them, the world determines a part of them. But how you experience life is 100 per cent in your hands.

If you think your work is important, the first thing you should do is work upon yourself, so that internally you are a stable being, no matter what the situation is externally. When you are running a large business or enterprise, it’s not just about you. Often, there are another thousand people involved with you. So how you handle a situation not only impacts your life, but another thousand lives. I can teach you a way with which you can create a stable and blissful chemistry within yourself, your ability to deal with all the varieties of ups and downs in life can be greatly, greatly enhanced. How? With yoga.

Yoga gives you this possibility that if you simply sit here, there is a little space between you and your body, there is a little space between you and your mind, and there is a little space between you and the world. Once you create this space within you, once you know what is you and what isn’t, that is the end of suffering. When there is no fear of suffering, you will be able to look at everything with utmost clarity and address every issue to the best of your intelligence and capability. Situations will never overwhelm you.

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