Tune in to your intuition
Intuition is a term that indicates the constantly present inner guidance that, once discovered, can be an invaluable input to our daily lives. A more practical way of looking at intuition is to think of radio waves — they are constantly available but we need to switch on our radio and tune in to the correct channel to hear the broadcast.

Intuition is a term that indicates the constantly present inner guidance that, once discovered, can be an invaluable input to our daily lives. A more practical way of looking at intuition is to think of radio waves — they are constantly available but we need to switch on our radio and tune in to the correct channel to hear the broadcast. Being able to hear the inner voice as well as being able to trust the signal is equally important. First, understand your body’s signal for yes, no and maybe. To do this, enter into a meditative state by taking deep breaths and feel the energy of ‘yes’ by repeating “yes” several times. Where do you feel it in the body and how For example, it may be felt as slight lightness in the heart centre. Now repeat “no” several times and observe the ‘no’ energy. As an example, someone may feel heaviness in the stomach. Similarly, observe the energy of ‘maybe’. Make a note of how you feel these responses. The next step is to ask the right question. Firstly, the question should have a yes or no response. Secondly, the question needs to reflect your desired outcome and thirdly, it should be in the present tense. For example, if you wish to use your intuition as an input to selecting your child’s school, asking the question “Is ABC school good ” is a loosely framed question and may not be aligned to your expectation. A better question would be to ask, “Can ABC school lovingly nourish my child’s development ” Similarly, if you wish to intuit a relationship, the question should be framed incorporating your expectation, “Does XYZ value and support me ” An important aspect in getting the right answer is being willing to hear the truth. So for example, the parents need to be open to being told that ABC school, which they prefer, may not give them their desired outcome but DEF school would. Before asking the question check internally, “Am I holding a judgment about this ” The judgment could be positive (preference) or negative (avoidance) — either way it will cloud your intuition. Once you know you have a judgment, make the intent to hear the truth and ask the question again. The more one practices using one’s intuition, the more it develops, so use every situation in your daily life to practice knowing your intuition. When you go shopping ask, “Can buying this profit me ” When choosing a queue check, “Is this queue the quickest choice for my work ” Remember that as long as you are not attached to the outcome, your intuition will give you an accurate input. Using this process to connect with intuition helps to trust the responses one gets. As one keeps practicing it, one will be able to gauge the value of a decision just by how light or heavy it feels in one’s body — light is truth and a ‘yes’ energy, heavy represents a ‘no’ energy.