
India Post set to regulate couriers

In a bid to regulate the growing courier business in India, estimated to be worth '4,000 crores now, the government has moved a policy paper that proposes Indian Post be tasked with issuing licenses and addressing disputes between consignees and operators, both domestic and international.

In a bid to regulate the growing courier business in India, estimated to be worth '4,000 crores now, the government has moved a policy paper that proposes Indian Post be tasked with issuing licenses and addressing disputes between consignees and operators, both domestic and international. Government sources said while couriers were at present unregulated, “a need was felt to bring (it) under a regulatory mechanism for many purposes, including security”. A department of posts policy paper has been sent to the finance and law ministries as well as the Planning Commission for their views. Once these are received, a Cabinet note is likely to be prepared.

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