
Season of Hopes

Easter Sunday celebrates the themes of hope, regeneration, resurrection and the possibility of eternal life. The day is a joyous one, celebrated with a feast of Easter eggs, coloured red, hearty meals, games and family reunions.

Easter Sunday celebrates the themes of hope, regeneration, resurrection and the possibility of eternal life. The day is a joyous one, celebrated with a feast of Easter eggs, coloured red, hearty meals, games and family reunions. On a personal level, it reminds us of the cycle of time which moves inexorably from fasting to feasting, from sorrow to happiness, from darkness to light and death to eternal life. It is a reminder that neither good times nor bad are permanent. We can take the Easter message to heart as we dive into a new financial year on April 1. Here are some of the lessons: 1. Everything changes. The kalachakra or wheel of life takes one through the ups and downs of life. Neither lasts. 2. Have faith that good things are waiting round the corner. Meanwhile, work hard and celebrate the dawn of hope and move forward. 3. Transformation is awaiting you if you are willing to allow your old self to die. Just like a seed transforms from being a seed, to become a plant and a mighty tree. So, roll up your sleeves, close your personal and corporate accounts as the March 31 deadline approaches. Pay the creditors. Reach out to enemies, if any. Thank God for the blessings of the previous year. Celebrate the past; clear the decks for a prosperous, financial year ahead. Get ready for a brand new future — the season of Hope!

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