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  Sports   Cricket  09 Aug 2018  Virat Kohli says batsmen’s problem is in mind

Virat Kohli says batsmen’s problem is in mind

Published : Aug 9, 2018, 2:17 am IST
Updated : Aug 9, 2018, 6:02 am IST

Kohli said that As far as wickets falling in heap is concerned, it is not about technique, it is more of a mental aspect.

Virat Kohli
 Virat Kohli

London: Captain Virat Kohli urged followers of Indian cricket to not be judgemental about his team’s poor batting performance after just one Test as the problem is more about making “mental adjustments” rather than technical.

“We should not judge so fast, and jump to conclusions As a team, we keep patience. We don't judge so fast. We don't see any pattern to (the failures). As far as wickets falling in heap is concerned, it is not about technique, it is more of a mental aspect,” Kohli said.

“There must be a clear plan on how to face the first 20-30 balls, and more often than not that plan does not involve aggression. There we need some composure rather than aggression. As a batting unit, we have discussed that,” the skipper said.

“From outside, it looks very bad, especially as it is Test and we are playing in England, where it is anyway difficult. But we only need to bring down the margin of error.”

Tags: virat kohli, india vs england