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  Sports   Cricket  12 Dec 2017  Sachin Tendulkar writes to PM Narendra Modi on CGH scheme

Sachin Tendulkar writes to PM Narendra Modi on CGH scheme

Published : Dec 12, 2017, 3:29 am IST
Updated : Dec 12, 2017, 3:29 am IST

CGHS is availed by all central government employees who have access to medical centres which is associated with this scheme.

Sachin Tendulkar
 Sachin Tendulkar

New Delhi: Legendary Sachin Tendulkar has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, requesting him to include all international medallists in Central Government Health Scheme.

Talking about the plight that elite sportspersons go through when facing health issues, Tendulkar in his letter cited the example of Hockey Olympic gold medallist Mohammed Shahid’s last days.

“I am writing to you as a concerned sportsperson on behalf of all the sportsperson in our country requesting your kind intervention for inclusion of all sportsperson who have won medals internationally in the list of sportsperson eligible for CGHS facilities,” Tendulkar wrote to Modi on October 24.

CGHS is availed by all central government employees who have access to medical centres which is associated with this scheme. Tendulkar, in his letter to PM Modi, informed him that he had earlier taken up the issue with both the sports ministry and the health ministry. Tendulkar has requested the PM to at least consider inclusion of international medallists  (non Govt employees) on a “pilot/test”.      

Tags: sachin tendulkar, pm modi, mohammed shahid, central government health scheme