
AFI cancels Friday's Indian Grand Prix, postpones next month's Fed Cup

Athletics Federation of India had no option but cancel following a directive from ministry

New Delhi: The Athletics Federation of India on Thursday cancelled the Indian Grand Prix hours before it was to begin, paying heed to the government's directive to avoid conducting competitions till April 15 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.The event was scheduled to be held at NIS Patiala.

Next month's Federation Cup National Senior Championships (April 10-13), a qualifying event for the Tokyo Olympics, has been postponed to a later date.

The development came hours after the Sports Ministry advised all national federations to refrain from conducting competitions and selection trials till April 15 and enure that Olympic-bound athletes are isolated from anyone who is not a part of their training camps.

The directive has been necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic which has wreaked havoc on sporting events across the globe.

Indian athletics' High Performance Director Volker Herrmann told PTI that the AFI will have to abide by the government's directive.

"The Indian GP at Patiala will not be held on Friday. It is unfortunate for the athletes who are trying to qualify for the Olympics but the health of Indian people is more important than sports. So, with regret we took the decision to cancel the first Indian GP on Friday. The second GP (also to be held in Patiala on March 25) has also been cancelled," Herrmann said.

"All sporting events have been suspended till April 15 and the AFI respects the government's decision in the larger interest of the country and the health and well being of its people," the German added.

The first Indian Grand Prix was already a restricted event with only the national campers allowed to take part in it after the government's earlier advisory to restrict competitions to only among those who are preparing for the Olympics.

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